A Public Benefit Corporation (PBC) is a for-profit corporation (similar to a C-corp or S-corp) that includes in their charter one or more specific public benefits as their statement of purpose. This embeds a PBC’s mission into its founding documents and provides for a North Star by which the company will navigate critical business decisions.

Our Public Benefit Commitments

  • We expect to be held accountable to the standards and certifications that govern force-for-good businesses. We currently use B-Lab’s B Impact Assessment as our standard of excellence.
  • We advocate for and educate business owners about the many ways that business can be used as a force for good.
  • We build partnerships with businesses and organizations who support our purpose of using business as a force for good.
  • We are committed to reducing our environmental impact by improving our operations, offsetting our impacts, and selecting partners who prioritize reducing their impacts.
  • We provide low cost and no cost services to those who generally lack the resources to retain our services and who belong to marginalized or historically under-served communities and who support the advancement of our shared purposes, missions, and values.



Our results are reported in five sections which correspond to the B-Corp impact areas.

In each section we’ll report on our goals, our progress, and what we’ve learned along the way.

We are a new Public Benefit Corporation, so our goals and results are currently under development. We will work to keep you updated here as our plans unfold.


Stepping Up for the Planet

We cannot improve what we do not measure. Our first priority for managing our environmental impact has been to measure how much carbon we’re emitting. That is why we’ve partnered with Aclymate to measure and offset our carbon emissions.

Since the beginning of 2023, we have offset over 30,000 lbs CO2.  Through our partner Aclymate, we offset our carbon emissions by contributing to the May Ranch Grasslands project.

Care Deeply Consulting is a Climate Leader with Aclymate



Our founder, Christopher Arnold, attended the Spring 2023 cohort of White Men for Racial Justice and completed follow-on training with the Groundwater Institute. These powerful programs will influence and inform our incorporation of DEIB principles into our organization. Stay tuned!


Giving Back Is Good for All

Responsible Partnerships

We have selected banking partners with an eye on social and environmental impact. Specifically, our banking partners include:


Our Founder, Christopher Arnold, has served as a volunteer board member with the Rocky Mountain Employee Ownership Center since 2019. During that time he served as Vice President for one year and as President for three years. During this period the organization has grown its operating budget by over 300%. Care Deeply has also contributed over $3000 to the organization during that time.


Building a Business that Works for All Stakeholders

We relaunched our company as a Colorado Public Benefit Corporation at the beginning of 2023.

We continue to be active participants in the Employee Ownership Community and are laying a foundation to become an employee-owned company in the future.


Spreading the Work to Others

Coming soon.